Re: polarized ep generator

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Thu Oct 04 2001 - 18:30:38 EDT

Hi, Jason!
Try and use the following ffread card:

KINE 10 0.88 90. 20. 22.5 -22.5 0.7 0.55 30. 0.

where 10 is saying "use the"
        0.88 is the beam energy;
        90. 20. - theta range;
        22.5 -22.5 - phi range;
        0.7 0.55 - beam and target polarization;
        30. 0. thata and phi for the spin orientation;

(for some obscure reason, you have to enter the KINE stuff at the blast
prompt right before TRIG, it does not get read from the fort.** file).


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