Re: still a conflict between "blast.geom" and the class TBLGeometry

From: Maurik Holtrop (
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 13:19:18 EDT

Hello Aaron,

If you do make changes to blast.geom, please DO NOT, commit these
changes to the CVS.

If you issue the following command in the Blast_Parms area:

cvs log blast.geom

You can see that Adrian indeed modified this file. If you would like to
get the file from BEFORE ha made the changes, you can get it with:

cvs update -r 1.1 blast.geom

And presto, you have the old version.

If you wish to see the differences between that version (1.1) and the
latest version (1.3) you can issue the command:

cvs diff -r 1.1 -r 1.3 blast.geom

And you get a diff of the 2.

When all the code is fixed, don't forget to checkout the "LATEST" with
the -A option, because the -r 1.1 command you issued is "sticky":

cvs update -A

Will always get the latest version of all the files that you have
checked out in your current directory.



On Fri, 2001-10-19 at 12:59, Ed Six wrote:
> Hi Aaron,
> Adrian is probably the person that made the changes to blast.geom and/or
> TBLGeometry. I think he is back next week. Until then, it might be ok
> to comment out the sections that are causing the problem. But it would be
> nice to have a way to automatically "link" blast.geom and TBLGeometry. As
> usual, I suggest using the mysql database to keep track of geometry
> definitions (just kidding :] ).
> Later,
> Ed
> --
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Ed Six Postdoc
> MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center
> 21 Manning Ave. tel: (617) 253-9217
> Middleton, MA 01949 fax: (617) 253-9599

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