Re: still a conflict between "blast.geom" and the class TBLGeometry

From: Timothy Smith (
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 13:38:04 EDT

Hello People,

        I just checked into a fix in such that
it will treat
the same as
and treat
        Cerenkov-AlOut & Cerenkov-AlIn
differently (will not make detectors out of them)

        The same is true for TOF, TOF-Scintillator & TOF-Lead

        This seems to have fixed the problem, at least in my
testing. Please tell me if it is still broken.

 Timothy Paul Smith Research Scientist
 MIT Bates Lab
 21 Manning Rd. tel: (617) 253-9207
 Middleton, MA 01949 fax: (617) 253-9599

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