'divide by zero' during reconstruction

From: jason seely (seely@MIT.EDU)
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 20:37:46 EST

Hi Everyone,

I'm having a weird problem which probably has an obvious solution, but
which i can't figure out. My reconstruction code is giving me a 'divide
by zero' error in a place where it shouldn't. i've sent the code along
below if anyone is interested. If I run my reconstruction on my coda
file, (which has > 10000 events), this is what happens:

root j.C
Processing j.C...
Reading in File: bgrid.blast
form 1
xmax -10.000000 32 10.000000 = 300.000000
field check 32 x 17 x 52 x 3 = 84864, i= 84864
File will be used as the source of data. filename = jevent.coda
Opening file (jevent.coda) for data events.
event: 1000
event: 2000
event: 3000
event: 4000
event: 5000
Error: operator '/' divided by zero FILE:j.C LINE:50
*** Interpreter error recovered ***

this same thing happens, but after a different number of events, for
different coda files. line 50 is just:

while(readFlag == 0){

(where readFlag = event.ReadNext() )
i can't figure out why this would give me a 'divde be zero' error. if
i take out the lines where actually divide by things that may be very
small (where i assign values to ntpIn[8], etc), then things *seem* to run
smoothly, but how
would this affect the readFlag. any ideas?



here's the code:



  const char CODAFILE[]="jevent.coda";
  const char ELECFILE[]="electronics.map";
  const char GEOMFILE[]="blast.geom";
  const char BFLDFILE[]="bgrid.blast";

  const float PI=4.0*atan(1.0);
  const float R2D=180.0/PI;
  const float D2R=PI/180.0;
  const float PMIN=0.1; //GeV
  const float PMAX=1.0; //GeV
  const float THETAMIN=20.0; //deg
  const float THETAMAX=110.0; //deg
  const float PHIMIN=-17.5; //deg
  const float PHIMAX=17.5; //deg

  int readFlag;

  long int goodEvents = 0;
  long int totalEvents = 0;
  long int eventMax = 1000000;

  TBLEvent event;
  TBLRecon recon;

  // Declare the ntuple:
  TNtuple *ntp = new
  // 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12
  float ntpIn[13];

  float ebeam = 0.880;
  float eprime;

  // now get the data file and read it:



  while(readFlag == 0){

    // All of the next 5 lines must be present to eliminate "tails"...

    // since only electrons are in the event, just take events that
    // have only one possible link for simplicity.



        cout << "event: " << totalEvents << endl;


      ntpIn[0] = event.mc[0].MCp;
      ntpIn[1] = event.mc[0].MCtheta;
      if(event.mc[0].MCphi < -90.0){
        ntpIn[2] = -1*event.mc[0].MCphi;
        ntpIn[2] = event.mc[0].MCphi;

      ntpIn[3] = event.mc[0].MCz0;

      // next calculate the reconstructed for mc, fast fit (f), and best
fit (b)
      eprime = ebeam/(1 +
      ntpIn[4] =

      ntpIn[5] = recon.first.better[0][0];
      ntpIn[6] = recon.first.better[0][1]*R2D;
      if(recon.first.better[0][2]*R2D < -90.0){
        ntpIn[7] = -1*recon.first.better[0][2]*R2D;
        ntpIn[7] = recon.first.better[0][2]*R2D;

      eprime = ebeam/(1 +
      ntpIn[8] =

      ntpIn[9] = 100*(ntpIn[5]-ntpIn[0])/ntpIn[0];
      ntpIn[10] = 100*(ntpIn[6]-ntpIn[1])/ntpIn[1];
      ntpIn[11] = 100*(ntpIn[7]-ntpIn[2])/ntpIn[2];
      ntpIn[12] = 100*(ntpIn[8]-ntpIn[4])/ntpIn[4];



// cout << readFlag << " " << totalEvents << " " << ntpIn[0]
// << " " << ntpIn[1] << " " << ntpIn[2] << " " << ntpIn[3]
// << " " << ntpIn[4] << " " << ntpIn[5] << " " << ntpIn[6]
// << " " << ntpIn[7] << endl;

  TFile *f = new TFile("jevent.root", "recreate");

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