Reversed KIVERT, renamed KITEST

From: Simon Sirca (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 18:20:12 EST


by popular demand :), I have reversed once more the order of invocation
of the event generators in blast_proc.f (first) and KIVERT (second).
The former arrangement caused some problems with vertex booking, but it
should be ok now since I also inserted a call of GSVERT into kitest,
kineMott, and kineRead. I tested it with the "built-in" kitest (which
I renamed into kineFlat) and Mott. However, please let me know whether
the vertex is still correctly booked and tracks followed in any one of
the userGens. I think it makes sense to keep the possibility open that
users play with the vertex and define their own event distributions
along the target, so let's try to converge on this.


  Simon Sirca
  MIT-LNS, Room 26-402                 Tel: +1 617 258-5438
  77 Massachusetts Avenue              Fax: +1 617 452-5950
  Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA        URL:

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