reading Epics data from raw coda data files

From: Timothy Smith (
Date: Tue May 28 2002 - 15:12:47 EDT

Hello Blasters,

        Now that Adam has been able to write epics data into
ET and the raw coda data files, I have worked on reading it
back. TBLEpics has been added to the TBLRaw files in BlastLib2.
Also TCodaRead now understand the new Epics data format.

        I am including below an example of reading the epics
data from the coda event files.

 Timothy Paul Smith Research Scientist
 MIT Bates Lab
 21 Manning Rd. tel: (617) 253-9207
 Middleton, MA 01949 fax: (617) 253-9599

  TBLRaw raw;

  int epicsID;
  epicsID = raw->GetEpicsID("pb:ph_inp");

  int loop, check, i;
  float x[12000], y[12000];

  loop = 0;
  check = 0;
  while (check == 0)
      check = raw.ReadNext();
      if (raw.epics[epicsID].Time-raw.goTime > 0 && loop < 12000){
        x[loop] = float( raw.epics[epicsID].Time-raw.goTime);
        y[loop] = raw.epics[epicsID].value;
  TGraph gr = TGraph(loop,x,y);


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