new pid class

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Thu Jun 06 2002 - 13:12:01 EDT

hi blast'ers
  i just checked in a new class TPid, which acts just like an integer
(pid #), but with other methods Mass(), Charge(), SetGeneric(charge).
  it also has named particles (kNullPid, kNeutral, kPositive, kNegative,
kElectron, kProton, kNeutron, kDeuteron, kGamma, kPionZero, kPionPos,
note that they are globals, and are not prefixed by TPid::
#include "TPid.h"
TPid p=kElectron;
printf("%s: pid=%i q=%i\n",p.Name(),(int)p,p.Charge());
float nu=.6, q2=2*kProton.Mass()*nu; //GeV

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