Due to crashes on dblast07 (our main DAQ machine), I strongly recommend
that we do analysis on other machines, like dblast08 and dblast09.
Two things are needed in order to do this:
1) CODA *.dat files need to be copied to the new machine from dblast07's
scratch area:
into the new machines scratch area:
where XX stands for the new machine number, like 08 or 09.
2) Your root scripts need to have updated directories pointing to the
new machines directories. In order to make this easy people to do, I have
modified ntuple.C, plot_tdc.C, and retimingOR.C to allow for a new
parameter, the machine number. The new syntax is:
root ntupleX.C 08 517 518 520 521
where 08 refers to an analysis on dblast08 and the numbers following it
allow runs from 517,518, 520 and 521 to be combined into one analyis.
3) templateX.C is an empty analysis where you can insert your own code
using the same syntax.
4) I am still working on making the templateX.C such that it will work
with either the:
root templateX.C 08 517 518 520 521
syntax OR the
root -l templateX.C 08 517 518 520 521
5) A scaler strip chart analysis is in the works. This is extremely
important as it will allow us to form a quantity called the "Normalized
Luminosity" which will help us understand just how smoothly our detector
responds to the combination of the beam and target gas. Basically, you
look at a scaler rate such as:
first TOF divided by (Beam current*Gas flow)
Loosely, this should be a flat quantity versus time, however, if our
phototubes are not performing well, this value may vary from a flat line.
When this analysis is done, it will be called strip_chartX.C
In this analysis, the technique for retrieving the epics as well as scaler
data will be demonstrated.
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