Hi blasters:
As an attempt initiated by Tancredi to unify and make easy the cuts people
are using in analysis of blast data, I checked in a new class TBLCut, and
a few of its subclasses, namely TBLHid(Hit ID), TOF_HIT, CC_HIT, into
BlastLib2. They are compiled into libBlast.so so if you loas the lib, they
are available for use.
It is only a premitive type, does not do much yet. I will be adding more
into it. Right now at least I wish it could save people some typing by
doing those "atl%dt>300" things automatically.
Also I would like to welcome any suggestions.
I will check in later a script containing sample usages of the
classes. Before that, please refer to the following few lines if you
really were trying to use the class:
.L libBlast.so;
TFile *run = new TFile("commis-923-925.root","r");
TTree *tree = (TTree*)run->Get("ntp");
TBLCut::Init(tree) // tell TBLCut which tree you want to analyze
//TBLHid::Init("HitIDCalib") // optional, the initialization is already
// done when libBlast.so is loaded
tree->Draw("ttl12t", TOF_HIT('l', 13)); // a clean plot with garbages cut out
// TBLCut supports basic logic manipulations +/||, */&&. !, -.
tree->Draw("ttl12t", TOF_HIT('l', 13) && TOF_HIT('r', 3)) // a coinc plot
TOF_HIT l_12('l', 12); // create a cut
TBLCut cut1 = l_12, cut2(cut1); // supports copy and assignment
cut1.Examine(); // tells you what the cut is
TBLCut cut3 = cut1 * cut2; // same thing as cut1 && cut2
TBLCut cut4 = cut1 + cut2; // smae thing as cut1 || cut2
TBLCut cut5("cut5", "atl12t > 1000 && ttl9b < 3000") // create a generic cut
cout<<l_12<<endl; // this casts the cut into a double according as if
// current event passed the cut or not, for this event, it is 0
// it can then be cast into a bool to control you program flow.
cout<<TOF_HIT('l', 12)<<endl; // this creates a cut on the fly and uses
// it, for this event, return value is 1;
// subscription [i] is to evaluate the cut on the ith entry in the tree;
for (int i=0; i<50; i++)
if (l_12[i])
cout<<"event "<<i<<" passed the cut<<endl;
// unfortunatly subscription does not work with cuts created on the fly,
// use the function Eval(int)
for (int i=0; i<50; i++)
if (TOF_HIT('l', 12).Eval(i))
cout<<"event"<<i<<" passed the cut"<<endl;
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