[BLAST_SHIFTS] shifts for ABS this week

From: Hauke Kolster (hauke@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 21 2002 - 12:30:29 EDT

Hello ABS-shift takers,
    During the BLAST operations meeting yesterday it was
decided to run the BLAST spectrometer today and over the
weekend. The ABS studies cannot continue in parallel to the
running of the magnet and the shifts for the ABS this week
are therefore cancled. We might be able to run on single
occasions during the next days but we won't have continuous
operation. I looks like we can resume the ABS studies next
week on Tuesday and hopefully run continuously for one week.
Please send me your availability for next week.


Hauke Kolster MIT * Bldg 26-551 * Cambridge, MA 02139
hauke@mitlns.mit.edu Tel (617) 253-2693 Fax (617) 253-9599

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