[BLAST_SHIFTS] summary A-shift 9-01-02 )

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Sun Sep 01 2002 - 16:31:02 EDT

We took data with blast field both on the singles trigger

run# event # trigger setting B field
1465 63k r12_15_l12_15_singles_lowt on

1466 12k r12_15_l12_15_singles_lowt on

1467 7.7k r12_15_l12_15_singles_lowt on

1468 10k r12_15_l12_15_singles_lowt on

1469 12k r12_15_l12_15_singles_lowt on

Try to address TB request to run with field on, ~50,000 events. First run
without slits; then run with bottom and left slits in. Effect on singles
rates unclear. Adjust slits to much further in position and run again. See

XPOL Detector behind LB1 dead so no work possible on that program.

Short runs for Doug.

Also, began investigation of LTOF5 and RTOF4 raw signals. Comparing
these against a benchmark, RTOFTOP1, no deviation from normal was seen (no
DC offset etc.). This investigation will continue.

                PK, TB

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