[BLAST_SHIFTS] Evening shift 9/06/02

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 00:14:36 EDT

Several attempts were made tonight to solve the problem of the
the lack of response of the SFI's to good physics triggers. The .crl
files commis_l_pri_nots.crl and commis_r_pri_nots.crl were modified per
K.Dow and recompiled. This unfortunately had no effect. Cables were
traced and tested as much as possible but to no avail.

CCR had trouble getting the beam online and we did not get beam until
1130pm. During this time work continued on resolving the CODA problem.
Efficiency study work around plans may be implemented in the following

Work was begun in fanning out the efficiency test small paddle cables
with the linear fan-out above the right Fastbus crate.

Work also continued on the TDC offset code.

Deuterium dissociation studies also progressed.

                                PK, NM

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