Re: [BLAST_TOF] update

From: John Calarco (
Date: Tue Sep 10 2002 - 20:39:00 EDT

Dumb check: does the start counter look like it's correctly positioned
vertically? I don't see how this would cause any problems since the
small paddles define the solid angle. But I suggest it anyway. Are
the thresholds on the bottom CFD the same as for the top? You should
re-download to make sure.

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002, Peter Karpius wrote:

> Hello all-
> We are currently trying to reproduce the data that Tavi took last
> night. The reason is that we are seeing far more events in the small
> paddles than the TOF's. A more detailed investigation has revealed that
> the TOP tdc for the TOF sees all the events if we require only that TOF in
> the trigger (as a test) but the bottom TDC sees only a fraction. So it
> looks like the signals make it to the MLU but not to the bottom TDC (at
> least not all of the signals). The scaler rate looks fine for both top
> and bottom.
> Pete & Jason

John R. Calarco
Dept. of Physics
Univ. of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
phone: (603)862-2088
FAX:   (603)862-2998

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