Re: [BLAST_CODA] clever makelist to preserve filenames

From: Tancredi Botto (
Date: Wed Sep 11 2002 - 17:04:36 EDT

Dear Karen,

> The clever version of makelist in ~/commis/coda/crl to preserve the
> original descriptive source filename (e.g. commis_r_pri_nots) in the
> resulting .o, while having it internally consistent with the standard
> filename (e.g. commis_r_pri), has a bug in it.
> It actually precompiles the STANDARD crl (e.g. commis_r_pri) and then
> puts the result in the descriptive filename (e.g. commis_r_pri_nots.o).

yes, and the .o file is put in ..../daq/objs
The whole point is that you should step one directory up and link
the default name to the new obj file

/bin/ln -s ./objs/commis_r_whatever.o commis_r_pro.o

in this way we do not need to delelte/rename executables which could havw
been a source of confusion. Am I missing something here ?
At any rate, you can now rename the .o file. The later finding was
that this had to be compiled from a standard commis_r_pri.crl (e.g.)
The name of the obj file did not matter


hoe is het met de nieuwe TS ?

> I found this by looking in the ~/commis/coda/src directory at the
> intermediate .c filename, which does NOT have the changes I made in
> commis_r_pri_nots.
> Until I can figure out enough about Linux to get makelist right, or
> Tancredi logs in from Slovenia, we are stuck with the standard files. I
> can also cheat things to change the readout list in a backdoor way.
> Karen Dow

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