Re: Longer phototube TDC cables

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Fri Sep 13 2002 - 12:50:15 EDT

        John Calarco pointed out that whoever connects the cables should be
sure they're labelled!!!

Karen Dow wrote:
> I've asked John Bavineau to make 4 TDC cables; each is 40 feet longer
> than the sample cable I found in the D-Tunnel (which should be the same
> length as the TDC cables we are currently using). He will coil the new
> ones up and leave them in the D-Tunnel by the FASTBUS racks. Whoever is
> first on shift should connect the ends to the logic delay/splitter and
> the TDCs. For a test this weekend, I think we can leave the coils on
> the floor. If this is a length we are happy with, we can pull out the
> old cables next week and install the new ones in the cable trays. We
> will then also make another 4 cables to handle the neutron and Cerenkov
> detectors.
> Karen Dow

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