Run 1772

From: Peter Karpius (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 15:19:32 EDT

Well I made a copy of TOF2eff.C and called it TOF3eff.C after modifying it
for the current small paddle/TOF configuration. I analyzed run 1772 and
found an efficiency of just over 95% for LTOF2. The small paddle spectra
looks pretty clean, i.e. it is a spike that does not seem to require any
extra cuts to eliminate noise. The TOF spectra is a spike with a small
bump about 400 channels (20nsec) higher. So the bump is not correlated
with the small paddles. The good news is that now both top and bottom
tubes are seeing roughly the same number of events.

Please double-check my work i.e. TOF3eff.C mods, it is in


PS I emailed, and left a voicemail with J. Kelsey about possibly getting
together on Wed afternoon (after the software meeting) to address the
broken joint.

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