hi pete,
the bump is trigger off of the start paddle (for events that did not
make it through the small paddle). you can see this by looking at a 3-d
histogram of {start:cc:small}
Peter Karpius wrote:
> Well I made a copy of TOF2eff.C and called it TOF3eff.C after modifying it
> for the current small paddle/TOF configuration. I analyzed run 1772 and
> found an efficiency of just over 95% for LTOF2. The small paddle spectra
> looks pretty clean, i.e. it is a spike that does not seem to require any
> extra cuts to eliminate noise. The TOF spectra is a spike with a small
> bump about 400 channels (20nsec) higher. So the bump is not correlated
> with the small paddles. The good news is that now both top and bottom
> tubes are seeing roughly the same number of events.
> Please double-check my work i.e. TOF3eff.C mods, it is in
> /home/blast/karpiusp/recon/blast/run/
> Pete
> PS I emailed, and left a voicemail with J. Kelsey about possibly getting
> together on Wed afternoon (after the software meeting) to address the
> broken joint.
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