Dear BLAST Collaborators,
This weekend tests will be conducted to explore the sensitivity of
polarization in the South Hall Ring to the Ring tune. For anyone who is
interested in learning a bit about operation of the Compton polarimeter,
this is an opportunity to do so. Shifts will last from Sunday 10/13 at
8:00 through Tuesday 10/15 at 8:00. We do have one person allocated
for each shift, but would welcome having a second person to help out with
the data acquisition. Please let me know if you are interested in taking
a shift and when you could help out. The schedule will soon be posted on
the BLAST shifts web page.
-- ********************************************************************** Wilbur A. Franklin * Phone: 617-253-9518 Bates Linear Accelerator Center * FAX: 617-253-9599 P.O. Box 846 * Email: Middleton, MA 01949 * **********************************************************************
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