Chris Brown made a special cable to daisy-chain the inhibit signal, and
I removed the termination jumper for the inhibit input from the 9th
scaler, so now both the 8th (individual TOFS, labels BLTC0, BRTCE, etc.)
and 9th (BPHY0, BDCCT) scaler are TS-busy inhibited.
Karen Dow wrote:
> I've found the problem with inhibiting the scalers. All scalers are
> now set to accept a hardware inhibit signal. The trigger supervisor has
> one BUSY output signal, and I haven't made a funky daisy-chain cable
> yet, so only one scaler is currently actually inhibited. This is the
> 9th scaler slot, which has a copy of the Physics Trigger and the DCCT
> scaler in it. The labels on visual_scal are BPHY0 and BDCCT. They do
> not count if a run is not in progress, if a ROC is asleep, or if readout
> is in progress.
> Karen
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