[BLAST_SHIFTS] runplan 11/04 (?)

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 03 2002 - 22:57:56 EST

Definitely we have to digest the 10's of millions of events collected
since friday. In addition we expect to have a new snake on beam tune,
which hopefully will be the "final" tune.
While the L/R asymmetry is a somewhat a longer term project we need to
make progress on CC efficiency first, so as to get them done.
There is also an hardware issue there as the PMTs in each box are gain
matched (scope) but some of the sums suffer from DC offsets (hence show
bad ADCs). This still does not affect the efficiency (down to the few mV
level on the thresholds.)


_ is there need for ABS access ? We need an access for the PMT mu-metal.

_ optimize beam tune. Slits, injection, steering. I talked to billF and
  the plan would be to do this while also looking at a sweet spot for hte
  polarimeter (unless they plan to change the tune frequently this week)

_ Jason, you may want to continue with the L/R (?). Retuning show_protons.C
  ( the delays and hence the cuts have changed since august) is important
  for point 5

_ I take charge of CC efficiency / CC hardware in collab. with Tavi

_ we should just add the beam-helicity as a cut to show_protons.C and take
  data (with new beam) on false beam-helicity asymmetries

_ any remaining CC issues (we'll see tomorrow). I am on shift in the


_ the CC delays so as to put them in the trigger (having not had optimal
  delays down to 20 ns did not affect our weekend)

_ A new CC+TOF trigger (for the glory of it)

_ All issues with NC.

Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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