Hi all
As of the time I left BATES. network was still not recovered. I collected
things I remember and give this brief shift summary.
Data were taken with NC_CC_TOF_1300.sql, *****_last8.settings.
However, starting from run 2657, started at 23:57 Nov, 7, TOF 0-7 left had
very few events. visual_scal showed normal rates, however plot_tdc.C,
show_tdc.C shows very few hits, show_protons.C could only count events
for right_0-4 in coinc with left 11-15 combination, not the other way
arround. We made a trip to D-tunnel around 4 am, could not find obvious
hanging cables or extremely obvious electronics problem, and we decide it
is out of our capability to debug the problem.
Runs are taken with gas flow 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1 sccm, then chamber HV
were turned off. gas flow increased to 1sccm, HV increased to
NC_CC_TOF_1300_10percent.sql. But all these are without good left TOF0-7
At 4:40am, cooling water spilled in the attic, blast power supply was shut
down by CCR. There was a ring RF tripping too. gas flow was turned to 0, HV
put to standby and we did not have beam for the rest of the shift.
We could not browse the web either, too bad.
Software: Ben copied his show_tdc.C to phase2 to complete the adc/tdc
plotting functionalities. segements of show_tdc.C and show_adc.C are
pasted into show_tdc_nc.C and show_adc_nc2.C. With trivial changes, these
two plots NC tdc/adc.
I would like to point out that with the current set up of ntuples, it
seems not possible to use TOF/CC cuts on NC data vice versa.
Ben and Chi
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