Hi All-
After bugging some people I was able to compile in
BlastLib2_v2 and here is the latest:
-the macro, tdc_offsets.C is in phase2 (but it won't work there as it
needs the new library)
-so I put a copy back in phase2/devel/ and copied the newly compiled
libBlast.so from BlastLib2_v2 into phase2/devel/ and the code works fine.
-it reads blast.sc_cal from commis/Blast_Params/ then generates a new
calib file with a name like BlastScCal.2002-11-08_10:44:44.
-The way I have been testing it in devel is to run it reading blast.sc_cal
from the default location then, after it produces the new calib file, just
rename that file to blast.sc_cal in the phase2/devel directory. You can't
ask it to read the new file directly unless you modify the TBLDetRecon
class (I think this is a safety device that Chi put in) There are some
comments in the macro.
-the spectra for R15T and B is not symmetric so if I raise the MINBIN
and MAXBIN definitions to 90% of Avg bin height the offsets make things worse
for that detector. I am not sure if the asymmetry has to do with the code
or the detector but I suspect the detector as the other spectra look fine.
Therefore the MIN and MAXBIN definitions are still Avg/2.
Also, someone (Tancredi) please run the macro and tell me what you think?
PS you can see some sample before/after plots on my website at the below
address, just scroll down till you get to the "tdc offset analysis" link
you can see the R15 asymmetry easily there. -it's a work in process,
nothing fancy.
Be there ay 4-
Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1220
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu
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