I am not at bates and can't test your beautiful macro. But
we (you) should take flasher run to test it. The flasher arrives
just about in the middle of each tof, and at the same time of both
ask the day shift to do that for you.
I think the time-stamped is a good idea but only if it keeps the time
stamp of the run you are analyzing (!). Else it is a confusing mess
(you'll blast_cal_january for runs taken in july, analyzed in january..)
That should also be done for the ADC pedestals.
All blast_cal go to an archive directory, and from Blast_Params we link to
the latest/appropriate. How is that ?
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Peter Karpius wrote:
> Hi All-
> After bugging some people I was able to compile in
> BlastLib2_v2 and here is the latest:
> -the macro, tdc_offsets.C is in phase2 (but it won't work there as it
> needs the new library)
> -so I put a copy back in phase2/devel/ and copied the newly compiled
> libBlast.so from BlastLib2_v2 into phase2/devel/ and the code works fine.
> -it reads blast.sc_cal from commis/Blast_Params/ then generates a new
> calib file with a name like BlastScCal.2002-11-08_10:44:44.
> -The way I have been testing it in devel is to run it reading blast.sc_cal
> from the default location then, after it produces the new calib file, just
> rename that file to blast.sc_cal in the phase2/devel directory. You can't
> ask it to read the new file directly unless you modify the TBLDetRecon
> class (I think this is a safety device that Chi put in) There are some
> comments in the macro.
> ************************************
> -the spectra for R15T and B is not symmetric so if I raise the MINBIN
> and MAXBIN definitions to 90% of Avg bin height the offsets make things worse
> for that detector. I am not sure if the asymmetry has to do with the code
> or the detector but I suspect the detector as the other spectra look fine.
> Therefore the MIN and MAXBIN definitions are still Avg/2.
> ***********************************
> Also, someone (Tancredi) please run the macro and tell me what you think?
> PS you can see some sample before/after plots on my website at the below
> address, just scroll down till you get to the "tdc offset analysis" link
> you can see the R15 asymmetry easily there. -it's a work in process,
> nothing fancy.
> Be there ay 4-
> Pete
> ----------------------------------------------
> Pete Karpius
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Nuclear Physics Group
> University of New Hampshire
> phone: (603)862-1220
> FAX: (603)862-2998
> email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu
> http://pubpages.unh.edu/~pkarpius/homepage.htm
> ----------------------------------------------
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