[BLAST_SHIFTS] 11/09/02, shift a: continued

From: Aaron Joseph Maschinot (ajmasch@MIT.EDU)
Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 07:23:48 EST

after realizing that we could not take chamber data, we instead took more
cerenkov runs this morning.

we ran across a trigger issue. using the "elastic_tof_last8" trigger, no
signals were coming in the first 8 tof's. however, when we switched to
the "elastic_tof_first4_last8" trigger, we did get signals in the first
four tof's. the odd thing is that these two triggers have the same
trigger at least as far as the first four tof's are concerned. thus, they
should either both be receiving signals or else both not be recieving

to get around this, we made a new trigger, "elastic_tof_first8_last8",
which is just like "elastic_tof_last8" except that instead of allowing any
tof along with one the back 8, this new trigger only allows one of the
front 8 with one of theb ack 8. additionally, we switched all the left
sector nc's to "x"'s in the trigger. after making these two changes, all
the tof's were firing.

data was then taken with this trigger and the +10%-voltages: runs 2691 -

chi and aaron

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