Peter or anyone who can use this,
I woke up (yes just now) with the following idea. We do have an info on
individual nc tube in the eep ntuple. Say you want to look at neutron
bar 0:
for nnl==0 you have
tnl = (tnl0l + tnl0r)/2 and
pnl = (tnl0l-tnl0r) ( or other way around, one needs to check)
hence it you want to plot tnl0l you can plot (2*tnl+pnl)/2 for nnl==0.
This way you can make cuts on tofs for the eep events.
Cheers, Vitaliy
Peter Karpius wrote:
> Hi folks-
> We've created show_tdc_nc2.C to include more stringent cuts on
> tdc's etc. Now we want to cut NC tdcs on TOFs. The top line of this code
> is:
> gEnv->SetValue("ntuple", "neut");
> Well to get the tof data we need the ntp ntuple as well. Can we chain
> ntuples together? How do we plot an element of one ntuple with cuts on an
> element from another ntuple?
> Thanks,
> Pete & Yuan
> ----------------------------------------------
> Pete Karpius
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Nuclear Physics Group
> University of New Hampshire
> phone: (603)862-1220
> FAX: (603)862-2998
> email:
> ----------------------------------------------
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