From: Adrian T Sindile (asindile@cisunix.unh.edu)
Date: Sat Nov 09 2002 - 15:25:26 EST

While taking e-p runs to gather statistics for Cerenkov studies, I
analyzed the cosmics runs we took a few hours ago and compared the TOF
pedestals and gains with "final" values from two weeks ago.
The conclusions are the following:
- we have 4 (four) hot ADC channels: pedestals are jumping around (they
are really high too compared to the others);
- we also have a few PMTs that are now more than 200 channels away from
the target channel used when we gain-matched them (one is the one with
the broken lightguide, the others are probably due to low statistics for
the gain-matching runs as they are not really, really bad).

Everything else looks about normal, we should be in business from TOF
point of view... plots are in the logbook, if anyone wants to see exactly
what the bad channels are, I highlighted them.


Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: asindile@alberti.unh.edu

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