[BLAST_ANAWARE] question about CVSing out the working BlastLib2 library

From: Aaron Joseph Maschinot (ajmasch@MIT.EDU)
Date: Tue Nov 12 2002 - 20:52:15 EST

Hello, All:

I am trying to get a new copy of the working version of the BlastLib2
library. The most recent e-mail that I can find on the matter says that
it is v2_2. I tried typing:

cvs co .
cvs up -r v2_2 Blast_Params/ BlastLib2/ blastmc/

However, when I do that and then configure, the Makefile that appears
within my BlastLib2 directory is the one for the new-geometry library,
which I do not want right now.

If someone knows what I'm doing wrong, will yoy please tell me? If I am
typing the wrong commands, what are the right ones?


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