[BLAST_ANAWARE] fitting coplanarity peaks--more to come

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 08:02:07 EST

  igot root to fit a gaussian over a triangular distribution, which
comes naturally out of the (ptl+ptr) coplanarity plots. here is a
preview; hopefully by tomorrow it works inside show_proton.C, and then
we will have a much better measure of real (e,ep) yields.
  here's the commands:

    //- positive triangle function
    TH1F b("b","b", 100,-1000,1000)
    eep->Draw("ptl+ptr>>b", "ntl==4&&ntr==12")
    TF1 t("tri","[2]*((1-abs(x-[0])/[1])+abs(1-abs(x-[0])/[1]))/2")
    //- triangle + gaus
    c=new TF1("tot","tri+gaus(3)",-1000,1000)
    //- plot individual functions
    ga=new TF1("gaus")
    ga=new TF1("ga","gaus")
    ta=new TF1("ta", "tri",-1000,1000)


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