[BLAST_ANAWARE] First Pass at beam helicity Asymmetry

From: Vitaliy Ziskin (vziskin@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 13 2002 - 23:27:33 EST

I have attempted to look at the beam helicity asymmetry in run 2814 taken last

night with 500k events in it. I used the epics information about the lamda half

plate in/out at the source. The situation for this run is following:

Integrated current for positive helicity: 166.604 Coulombs
Integrated current for negative helicity: 194.006 Coulombs

So, we took slightly more data with negative helicity, where I define negative

helicity as half wave plate in. I added a ntuple variable to the eep ntuple

call "hel" ( the same entry is made into the epics ntuple). When I plotted

 the raw paddle hits (normalized to the Intergrated current) from the eep ntuple

the difference between pos and negative helicity was sizable, which makes sence

since we know that the noise is not linear with the current. When I plotted

paddle hits for protons using "plnn" and "prnn" cuts the situation improves.

I include a plot that generated with macro show_hel.C (residing in the development

directory). What is ploted is the number of proton hits in the paddles integrated

over all paddles on the other sides with the appropriate cuts from cuts.C (note that

"plnn[6]" does not exist and thus shows more events) for negative helicity (red)

and positive helicity (black). Top left shows protons on the left and top right

shows protons on the right. Underneath them is the plot for Left side and Right

side asymmetry takes as \frac{N_{-} - N_{+}}{N_{-}+N_{+}}.

More statistics is needed, but I can't include more runs since current init.C

does not load different epics ntuple needed to calculate Integrated current for

each asymmetry.

Let me know what you think.

                                     Cheers, Vitaliy

Vitaliy Ziskin Tel: (617)253-9209
MIT 26-547 http://www.lns.mit.edu/people/vziskin/
77 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Ma
        "For long you live and high you fly
         And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
         And all you touch and all you see
         Is all your life will ever be"--Pink Floyd

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