[BLAST_SHIFTS] 12/02/02

From: Peter Karpius (karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu)
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 00:05:32 EST

No beam tonight.

Shift was devoted to rewriting the tdc offset analysis code to fill
the SUM, DIFF, and POSITION, histogram arrays from the eep ntuples.

The adc cuts are still pretty crude but they are symmetric wrt sector.
This leads to more events on the left side. The good side is that the
position spectra now are starting to look a lot more rectangular in shape
and less gaussian. The code is incredibly slow though even on the spuds.

Work will continue on this in hopes of producing something for the Thur

Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1220
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu

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