[BLASTTALK] Pre-Existing Delta Proposal

From: Timothy Smith (tim_smith@MIT.EDU)
Date: Wed Jan 08 2003 - 09:41:53 EST

Hello BLAST people

        I have posted a proposal for the next PAC entitled

        "Measuring the Delta N N Component of He-3 with BLAST"

A plain text version of the title page and abstract is attached to
this email. Also the full proposal can be downloaded from
the website:


click on "The full proposal". I know several people have expressed
interest - and I intend to add all interested people to the

        I would also like to list it as having come from the
BLAST collaboration. Any thoughts on this?

        I'll be sending it to Bates first thing Friday morning.

        Thanks to everyone.
                                Tim Smith

 Timothy Paul Smith Assistant Research Professor
 Dartmouth College timothy.p.smith@dartmouth.edu
 Department of Physics and Astronomy -or- tim_smith@mit.edu
 6127 Wilder Lab.
 Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 tel: (603) 646-9346

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