From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Jan 11 2003 - 22:11:38 EST


I received questions on how to look at the response functions in Deuteron
break up channel. Here s how to do it.

1st, go to Deuteron_EEP.cc. On the very top, there is a line:
        const bool write_spec = false;
change it to true. compile.

2nd, run dgen in one of the channels that a Deuteron_EEP is instantiated.
You will see messages like:
                fLS written to fSL.root
it is very time consuming to record all there response functions. So in
the code, it s turn off by default and you need to edit the code and
compile to activate it.

3rd, after this, there will be 41 root files: f*S.root. I would suggest
copy them somewhere permanantly cos you probably do not want to generate
them very often. each of them records one of the spectra functions. the
following things are in the root files: the points read in from the file;
interpolated data on a grid in thetapq, thetae, omega space, with linear
interpolation, cubic spline interpolation, and the C3 spline interpolation
I came up with to overcome some numerical unstability in cubic spline.

4th, distributed with DGen, there is a macro PlotSpec2.C. it is invoked in
the following sematics:
         root PlotSpec2.C fLS fit3
the first command line option is the name of the specfunction you want to
display, just trail of the .root suffix of the filenames. the second
options, you can choose fit2 for cubic spline, or fit3 for C3.

when run, the script generate 4 canvases. with 16 pads in each canvas.
Each pad display a surface plot of the response function on omega-thetae
plane with a certain thetapq value. the top 2 rows are interpolated by the
method you specified on command line. the bottum 2 rows are interpolated
linearly for Arenhovel data. You can compare different method of
interpolation this way. Unfortunately the pads are rather small, so you
might have to enlarge one of them to have a careful look. But this is the
most efficient way I can think of to display the 41 functions, each on 49
slices with different thetapq value, and on each slice, 36 points are
provided Arenhovel. I also do not know of a way to display the 36 data
points on the surface.


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