[BLAST_ANAWARE] blast v3 detector geometry checked in

From: zhangchi (zhangchi@general.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 17:20:45 EST


I checked geom, sets, hits files for outer detectors in blastmc v3 branch.
digi files are still to be done.

The corresponding codes in v2 branch are patched. most significantly,
cc_geom.f is updated to define the volumes for Cerenkov accurately,
cc_hits.f is updated to incorporate the threshold for Cerenkov radiation.
lg_geom.f is updated to define the two calarimeter on the same side
seperately, because they are divided into different number of strips.
lg_sets.f has to be changed accordingly

patched blastmc v2 works with BlastLib2 v2_11.

I also corrected Lead Glass/Recoil Detector part of TBLGeometry ( a few
minus signs were missing)

nsed is updated to draw all 4 lead glass detectors on both side. However,
there is some problem in TBLRaw to interpret the LG signal( blastmc v2
only defines one LG calarimeter on each side while there are two per
sector in electronics map) so only left sector hits (in one certain
horizontal strip I suspect) get displayed.

Display of right sector Neutron counter hits is also corrected. IT has to
do with the fact that v2 montecarlo defines only left sector and rotate it
by 180 degree to get right sector. So for right sect NC, a hit in pad 0
is displayed in pad 7. This shall be no problem when we migrate to v3.


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