[BLAST_SHIFTS] Agenda for polarimeter group meeting

From: Bill Franklin (wafrankl@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Feb 03 2003 - 11:56:37 EST

Dear Colleagues,

The location of Wednesday's group meeting has been shifted to the library.
It will still be held at 10:30. The agenda is as follows:

        1. Status of Ring Run '02 data (B. Franklin)
        2. Job list and preparations for Ring Run '03 (B. Franklin)
        3. Laser tests (J. Althouse)
        4. Run plan for spin studies in South Hall Ring (T. Zwart)

All interested parties are encouraged to attend.


Wilbur A. Franklin			*  Phone: 617-253-9518
Bates Linear Accelerator Center		*  FAX:	  617-253-9599
P.O. Box 846				*  Email: wafrankl@mit.edu
Middleton, MA 01949			*

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