Hi, Tancredi!
I think I have answers for the eloss issues that were not clear when I
first showed the MC plots.
1) the 10 MeV cutoff is due to kinematics;
2) the weird "vertical structure" in electron eloss is due to binning;
3) the so-called "loss" of protons at "large angles" is, I think, due to a
misunderstanding: by "proton theta" I was meaning VERTEX angle, so
obviously we will see protons in the backward paddles, just like in real
I sent a more detailed message to John and I am waiting for his
comments (he needs to see the plots ahead of time, since he will not be
present on Wednesday, when I am planning to show these results).
For now, plots can be seen at
With a little care in eye-balling the histograms, I think the MC numbers
for epel are close to your hand results.
PS: I have not yet received a list of modifications required to update the
"cable number part" of the MySQL database (so I do not have much to report
about this). Please provide the new pattern (after changes were made by
you, Tavi or Pete) for cable and fiber numbers. I will then make sure the
new numbers get into the database. Thanks!
Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: asindile@alberti.unh.edu
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