[BLAST_ANAWARE] disk usage

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@mitlns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Mar 29 2003 - 11:49:00 EST

we have repeatedly noticed disk space problems for the blast account.

Again this morning /home/blast (a 20 Gb common disk area) was 100 % full.
This disk is meant to keep the home directory of 73 users and it is cross
mounted so you can access it from any bates machine. At present when the
disk is full it chokes also the blast and compton accounts.

The common area is meant only to keep crucial personal files and source codes.
It is not meant to keep executables, raw data and anaylsis results. For that
you should use a /scratch area, local to the machine you use for logging in.
For instance: while this morning /home/blast was full there were 10 Gb unused
on /scratch/blast02. Also, we have almost 6 Tb of space on the spuds which will
still be largely unused after this year run.

*** Therefore I urgently request to let me know the following ***

a) do you have "your own" bates machine ?
b) how do you access your /home/blast account (blast01, blast02...) ?
c) How much scratch area do you have (df /scratch/myatesmachine) and
   how much do you currently use ?
d) do you work from the dblast accounts at all ?

with this information we can plan on improvements (e.g: larger /scratch space
or user analysis space on the spuds.)

- thank you for your cooperation,


I've attached a /home/blast disk usage list. There are users with more than 1 Gb
of data on the common area. The biggest disk takers are raw and montecarlo data.
It makes no sense to keep such data on the common area as

1) You won't analyze or run the montecarlo on blast02 or blast05 so you
   might as well write to a /scratch area
2) All raw data is permanently stored on /net/data/4 and /net/data1 on
   the spuds

As you may know a longer term solution is to move blast and compton to
another partition or disk which will insulate those accounts from the
general user area. I've temporarily freed 1.5 Gb by moving some user blast
data (phase1) on the spuds and moving a movies directory to /scratch/blast02
which should gives us some time. Also, I'll contact separately non-active

Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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