Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] reconstruction magnetic field question

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 17:25:11 EDT

right now, we are using 'bgrid.blast', which is numerically the same as
'bgrid2.blast', which has data for each sector. we SHOULD be using the
bgrid2.blast checked in v3, which has the fieldmap data analyzed by
abby. in reconstruction, we don't have the factor of 0.12, but that
normalization would still be needed in blastmc, even using using the
real data. (whether you hid that factor in the code or in fort.99 is
another question:)

Aaron Joseph Maschinot wrote:

>hi, all:
>i'm working on the WC digitization and need to know some information about
>how the reconstruction handles the coil's magnetic field:
>1. which is the magnetic field file that is used in the reconstruction?
> (e.g. bgrid.blast, bgrid2.blast, etc.)
>2. does this file contain survey-determined magnetic field values or are
> it's values determined from some mathematical algorithm?
> (e.g. biot-savart)
>3. is the "mysterious" factor of 0.12 by which the monte carlo likes to
> multiply magnetic field values still necessary?

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