Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] May 6th evening shift

From: Michael Kohl (
Date: Wed May 07 2003 - 00:28:28 EDT


this is my summary of 5/6/3 4-12pm.

Beam was tuned during the late afternoon, minimizing BQM's.
Some debugging in Dtunnel, first assumed a coda problem, then
noticed that missing tdc entries of right sector were related to problem
with a stuck hv daemon.

At 8pm the power supply of the Blast magnet appeared to be too hot (the
steel parts at 120 Celsius). Either reduce magnet current or switch off
until next morning.
Decided to run at 3000A (instead of 6730), in order to take some data.

Injection of 85 mA at 20 min lifetime.
BQM's normalized rates at 50/50/25/20 (T/L/B/R) with slits at
-8.0/9.0/1.08/-8.0 (L/R/T/B)
Taken 15000 events.

TB did Wire Chamber S/N studies. The S/N did not change with lower Blast

At midnight beam given back to CCR to tune without Blast field.
Further S/N studies at zero field ahead.



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