Peter, what you have done is excellent. Except that it crashed
dblast07 last night. We should look into that first...
However, I am not a fan of dancing lights per se.
I am also not a fan of popping up 1 canvas for the tofs, 1 canvas for the
cc, 1 canvas for the nc and on and on. It'll simply not work and we simply
don't have acres of screenspace, plus our necks are delicate instruments.
Before you spend too much time on we can make this a lot more useful with
a few design considerations. Somehow we already discussed this and i think
a better scheme is emerging.
- experience of last night shows you really need compiled code
- But 10 codes are bad (see above). So you need a code that fills
10 histograms instead.
- Also we stick everything into dblast07 while we have two 2 Ghz, 1 Gb
machine showing epics screens only.. This is related to /tmp/et_sys_pro2003
_ I am working on a way to make the et data visible from a cross
mounted directory. Then we can use cpu and memory from unused machines.
- You can override a root file containing histograms periodically and
still browse/refresh them from root with no problems.
- Then you have all the data at once, you use the cpu once, you have all
histograms. If we define histograms well we are already carrying a lot
of data analysis while we take data.
- This is the Cola++ model. From a data display it evolved into a
complete online analysis tool. We may never have a chance to do a
full analysis due to the reconstruction speed. But we can still see
data flowing, wire hit distribution, all the raw stuff.
- Open to suggestions.
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
On Wed, 7 May 2003, Peter Karpius wrote:
> Hi all-
> After VZ got TS's etSPy sample code test.C working I grabbed the
> important parts and now have a rudimentary macro for TOF data quality.
> (This is the macro I showed in the morning meeting a few weeks ago except
> now it is online). With regards to the macro:
> 1) it plots hits vs. TOF requiring TDC (100-4095) and ADC (1000-8190)
> I chose these values as the macro is not yet set up to read in the
> thresholds / offsets.
> 2) The code is called hits_vs_TOF_ONLINE.C and is in /pro2003/etSpy/
> 3) usage(with a run going): root hits_vs_TOF_ONLINE.C (on dblast07)
> 4) This can easily include other detectors as well - I will work in that.
> Try it out when on shift!
> Pete
> ----------------------------------------------
> Pete Karpius
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Nuclear Physics Group
> University of New Hampshire
> phone: (603)862-1220
> FAX: (603)862-2998
> email:
> ----------------------------------------------
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