Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Problems with time reconstruction for neutron wall

From: Vitaliy Ziskin (
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 09:56:42 EDT

Actualy it works pretty good. I include the plot of angle reconstructed
from the position in the neutron bar (from tdc knowing vertex) versus
the monte-carlo angle. The agreement is pretty good.


zhangchi wrote:

>I added a call to detrecon.calib_nc() to lrn.C in
>I could not decide if I should update check in the file to CVS or not
>since it is quite different from the one in repository. Seems a lot
>changes have been made without commiting to CVS.
>NOTE that the function has never been used before so be prepared for
>possible problems.
>On Wed, 21 May 2003, vitaliy ziskin wrote:
>>Never mind I found the problem. Apparently, the ntuple for neutrons is
>>filled by calling on bunch of "Getter function" which use the variable
>>that are assigned in nc_calib function which was NEVER called. The
>>reason, why I'm writing this is that the existing lrn.C used by blast to
>>analyze the current runs has no call to that function either. I think
>>that this should be fixed soon, otherwise the time and position for
>>neutron wall is nonsensical.
>> Cheers, Vitaliy
>>vitaliy ziskin wrote:
>>>Hi, all.
>>>I'm using BlastLib version 2.18. And I fould a serious problem with
>>>reconstruction of events in the neutron bars. Here is the example of
>>>the dump that I get:
>>>NC hits:
>>> Left Sector:
>>> raw: 6 1116 1294 98 186
>>> calib: 6 6.6875 nan nan
>>>Obviously this is not right. But, before I go ahead and start hacking
>>>up the code, can someone tell me if this problem was already addressed
>>>in the next version so that I don't do an uneccessary work.
>>> Best
>>>regards, Vitaliy

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