[BLAST_SHIFTS] 05/26/2003 graveyard shift

From: Adrian T Sindile (asindile@cisunix.unh.edu)
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 08:05:23 EDT

At the beginning of the shift Wang mentioned to us that the signal/noise
ratio was not very good in the right sector WCs and we should take a break
at some point for about an hour (WC HV off) if it would get worse.
We took runs 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556 and at about 5 AM we stopped
running as the signal/noise was getting worse (it seemed)...
(Around 4:40 AM blast05 froze, creating problems with the network. We
rebooted it, as we did dblast09).

We crunched ntuples for all the above runs.
6 AM - CODA hung once, restarted with no problems.
Took run 558, signal/noise in the right WCs did not improve. Same true for
run 559...

I modified the "BLAST_physics" MySQL database to include the recent
Cerenkov HV information, as provided by Tavi after gain-matching.
I also included the recent WC electronics.map modifications mentioned by
Aaron in a previous email.
Just as a minor point, we should migrate as quickly and as completely as
possible to the "BLAST_physics" database, so that we do not have
uncorrelated information (it is just like doing stuff twice). For
example, if Tavi uses the old HV daemon to gain-match CCs, that daemon
uses the old "BlastTest" database. If Adam and people on shift use the HV
GUI as we have it now, that GUI accesses the intermediary "BLASTwc" database.
Any modifications have to be made at least twice... of course I am aware
that programs still need to be tested etc. - just trying to point out that
the sooner we move to the new database the better.

Adrian and Pete

Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: asindile@alberti.unh.edu

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