Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] 05/26/2003 graveyard shift

From: Douglas Hasell (hasell@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 09:11:57 EDT

If there is a problem with some component please phone the expert.

As it is all the runs with bad signal to noise probably can not be analysed.

--On Monday, May 26, 2003 8:05 AM -0400 Adrian T Sindile
<> wrote:

> At the beginning of the shift Wang mentioned to us that the signal/noise
> ratio was not very good in the right sector WCs and we should take a break
> at some point for about an hour (WC HV off) if it would get worse.
> We took runs 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556 and at about 5 AM we stopped
> running as the signal/noise was getting worse (it seemed)...
> (Around 4:40 AM blast05 froze, creating problems with the network. We
> rebooted it, as we did dblast09).
> We crunched ntuples for all the above runs.
> 6 AM - CODA hung once, restarted with no problems.
> Took run 558, signal/noise in the right WCs did not improve. Same true for
> run 559...
> I modified the "BLAST_physics" MySQL database to include the recent
> Cerenkov HV information, as provided by Tavi after gain-matching.
> I also included the recent WC modifications mentioned by
> Aaron in a previous email.
> Just as a minor point, we should migrate as quickly and as completely as
> possible to the "BLAST_physics" database, so that we do not have
> uncorrelated information (it is just like doing stuff twice). For
> example, if Tavi uses the old HV daemon to gain-match CCs, that daemon
> uses the old "BlastTest" database. If Adam and people on shift use the HV
> GUI as we have it now, that GUI accesses the intermediary "BLASTwc"
> database. Any modifications have to be made at least twice... of course I
> am aware that programs still need to be tested etc. - just trying to
> point out that the sooner we move to the new database the better.
> Adrian and Pete
> -------------------------------
> Adrian Sindile
> Research Assistant
> Nuclear Physics Group
> University of New Hampshire
> phone: (603)862-1691
> FAX: (603)862-2998
> email:


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