Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] maximal tdc channel in TBLDetRecon raised

From: Douglas Hasell (hasell@MIT.EDU)
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 00:10:23 EDT


        I expect I am showing my ignorance here but the wire chamber TDC
values range from 0 to 8191 which corresponds to 0 to 4095.5 ns. I assume
your number corresponds to 4090 ns which is certainly a safe upper limit.

        However, the range of realistic drift times is between something
like 2000 and 6500 tdc counts or 1000 and 3250 ns before subtracting from
the T0 value which is around 6500 tdc counts or 3250 ns. One way to
eliminate some of the noise would be to only consider TDC values in the
range 2000 to 6500 which would remove about 45% of noise. This is
relatively safe so long as the trigger timing and cabling doesn't change.

--On Wednesday, June 4, 2003 11:39 PM -0400 zhangchi
<> wrote:

> Hi, maximal tdc value cuts in outer detector reconstruction is raised
> from 4000 channels to 4090 channels.
> The related line is in TBLDetHit.h: const int tdc_over = 4090;
> Chi


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