Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] 06/11/03 A-shift summary

From: Karen Dow (
Date: Wed Jun 11 2003 - 10:25:49 EDT

        I told Ben to just power-cycle the beam left FASTBUS crate (right-hand
rack at the bottom of the ramp) after checking the voltages. But since
the voltages were all OK, probably it would have been sufficient to just
reboot the ROC, either by typing reboot at the VxWorks prompt on the
Kermit session for the left ROC, or by pressing the RESET button on the
MV162 in the crate.

        See also the "Common Problems and Solutions" in the "Instructions for
BLAST Data Taking" manual, in the black binder in the counting bay.


Benjamin Clasie wrote:
> The fastbus crates were power cycled at 0640 as coda indicated that
> blastROC was disconnected. The voltages on the crates were ok, and
> blastROC came back online.
> Yuan and Ben.

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