Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift report, 14 June, 08:00-16:00

From: Chris Crawford (
Date: Sat Jun 14 2003 - 23:15:16 EDT

   this is a good chance to put in a plug for recording data straight to
the spuds from 'et'!

Douglas Hasell wrote:

> Previous shift noticed that data was not being transferred to the
> spud's. Turned out that /scratch/dblast07 was full and no data was
> being written anywhere !!!. Runs 893-905 are lost. I deleted all 500
> and 600 runs from the /scratch/dblast07 so there is 10 GB available.
> Need a warning or alarm for above.
> Adjusted threshold on some WC boxes to make the response distributions
> flatter.
> WC tripped quite frequently. Mostly box L16 and occasionally box L1.
> Dumped beam and shut off the WC for 1 hour.
> Trouble reinjecting again.
> Final got beam back. WC's look better. Ocassional trips should be
> reset using WC L ON or WC R ON rather than reset.
> Cheers,
> Douglas
> 26-415 M.I.T. Tel: +1 617 258 7199
> 77 Massachusetts Avenue Fax: +1 617 258 5440
> Cambridge, MA 02139, USA E-mail:

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