[BLAST_SHIFTS] 06/16/03 A-shift summary

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 08:11:48 EDT

took more H unpol data, kept daq smiling.

runs 952 - 959

adrian fixed a bug in 'lrn.C' retrieving mc polarization
chris fixed 'physrun_End' script; wasn't ringing at the end of run.
  i also brought cvs up to date with the 'pro2003/analysis/utils' directory

right at the end of the shift, we noticed that all of the hv. gui's were
listing 0's for each voltage setting. this couldn't be since it
happened even for the tof crates, and we were definitely getting
triggers. adam, do you know what could have happened?

--chris, adrian

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