[BLAST_SHIFTS] June 22, 2003 C-Shift

From: Kevin McIlhany (mcilhany@usna.edu)
Date: Sun Jun 22 2003 - 23:58:29 EDT

Nothing special. We had to reboot the HV crates once in the D-tunnel.
Also, CODA crapped which required blrocf2 to be rebooted. Other than
that, data was taken steadily on unpolarized Deuterium at 0.04 sccm at
100K. Wire chambers performed well at their new operating voltage,
3800V with only two requiring lower voltages of 3700V, which eventually
returned back to 3800V. The first run of the shift was on unpolarized
H2 at 64K. The cell was then heated to 100K and Deuterium was run.

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