Although Chris Crawford was not on shift, he debugged the elog and on which this shift summary is written. Simply click the change form button at the bottom of the elog screen and select "Shift summary", and when you are done an email is sent to BLAST_SHIFTS.
We noticed at the start of the shift that the previous shift was running with an empty target. Vitaliy found that V14 and 15 had been closed since 10.30pm last night, when a spike in ligit had tripped an interlock without an alarm. We took two runs with a polarized deuterium target before the longitudinaly holding field tripped. However, ligit changed by 5% when the target polarization changed, which will make the target density spin dependent. The ABS should not be operated in this way, and Vitaliy and Genya worked on this for part of our shift and it is still unresolved.
The wire chambers operated with only a few trips and at 1pm the helium arrived to fill the snakes. There was no beam by the end of the shift.
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Operator A: degrush  
Operator B: clasie  
Target operator:   
<!--Actual time: Mon Jun 30 16:16:26 EDT 2003 on dblast08.bates.daq, elog 1.0 -->
<!--Followup NULL-->
Although Chris Crawford was not on shift, he debugged the elog and on which this shift summary is written. Simply click the change form button at the bottom of the elog screen and select "Shift summary", and when you are done an email is sent to BLAST_SHIFTS.<br>
We noticed at the start of the shift that the previous shift was running with an empty target. Vitaliy found that V14 and 15 had been closed since 10.30pm last night, when a spike in ligit had tripped an interlock without an alarm. We took two runs with a polarized deuterium target before the longitudinaly holding field tripped. However, ligit changed by 5% when the target polarization changed, which will make the target density spin dependent. The ABS should not be operated in this way, and Vitaliy and Genya worked on this for part of our shift and it is still unresolved.<br>
The wire chambers operated with only a few trips and at 1pm the helium arrived to fill the snakes. There was no beam by the end of the shift.<br>
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