Re: [BLAST_SHIFTS] things that go bump in the night...

From: Samuel P. Hariton (
Date: Mon Jul 21 2003 - 11:48:26 EDT

> > 1) There is a problem with e-log submission as one of the scripts ate
> > itself (cleanthis.bash). So, we do it the old fashioned way - via
> > email.
> yes elog is still moving and being fixed daily. However the correcting
> action should be a little more specific: in this case the problem was with
> updating the web page after download the trigger. A little investigation
> into the program would have given you the right script name and
> that could have been fixed or its updating action be commented out.
> Running cleanthis clearly did more than that...

I've replaced the cleanthis.bash script from a backup I have. I'm still
not sure how it managed to eat itseld though. Did it get run manually?

I've removed the write permission to cleanthis.bash, meaning it shouldn't
ever have the power to delete itself again.

There was a bug with the script that makes an entry to elog every time a
new trigger file is downloaded, I believe that I have fixed it now.

 - Sam Hariton

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