Operators: seely manouch ----
took data on tensor polarized deuterium until about 7:30 pm.
runs: 1677, 1678, 1681, 1683, 1686
compton crashed a few times, restarted coda a couple times, but no major problems.
at 7:30 we had ccr cycle the holding field and then we started the sft scan as requested by HK. the graph on the webpage looked funny. there was one data point that was extremely negative, so we couldn't see the other points on the scale. next shift that runs should do the sft scan to make sure it's set to a good value.
after the scan ET came in to do ion polarization studies. as per his request, we had BLAST field and transverse holding field OFF and had longitudinal field (current) set to 50A. stopped flow to the target (closed V15, V14, V11; turned RF OFF; turned O2 and D2 OFF; opened V9 as requested by ET). Genya took over for ion polarimeter studies around 9pm. He'll have to send report on the results, but it appears that the problem is the nano-ammeter.
kept crunching and frln-ing runs from previous shift and updated RUNLIST. (for some reason 1648 and 1651 hung while crunching lrn)
turned beam over to ccr. plan is to open hall around midnight.
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